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Beyond the Classroom: Grade 6 Students Embrace Adventure with Wildlands Conservancy Beyond the Classroom: Grade 6 Students Embrace Adventure with Wildlands Conservancy

Beyond the Classroom: Grade 6 Students Embrace Adventure with Wildlands Conservancy

Erin Coffey, Outdoor Education Coordinator
Grade 6 students recently embarked on an unforgettable outdoor adventure with the Wildlands Conservancy, exploring the beauty and history of the Delaware & Lehigh National Heritage Corridor. The day was filled with excitement, learning, and moments of teamwork as the students pushed past their comfort zones and bonded through nature.

The trip kicked off with a 3.9-mile bike ride along the historic D&L Trail, taking them from Sand Island in Bethlehem to Lehigh Canal Park in Allentown. Along the way, the students were introduced to the fascinating history of the region and learned about the critical role the canals played in transporting coal and steel during the height of the Lehigh Valley’s industrial era. This hands-on experience provided the students with a deeper appreciation of local history as they pedaled along the same route once used to fuel the nation's industries.

After the bike ride, the students traded in their wheels for paddles, canoeing down the Lehigh Canal. Working together, they navigated the waterway, practicing their teamwork and communication skills. There were many smiles and even a few close encounters with wildlife. The students had the special opportunity to observe rescued turtles up close, learning about the importance of protecting these local creatures and how they can help preserve their habitats.

Beyond the wildlife and stunning views, this trip was a great chance for the students to challenge themselves. Whether biking along the trail or paddling the canal, they needed to work together and support each other to make it from start to finish. By the end of the day, the students had not only conquered the trail and the canal but also strengthened friendships with their classmates.

The Wildlands Conservancy trip was an enriching and rewarding experience for the students, giving them a chance to explore local history, engage with nature, and grow as individuals and as a team. The Moravian Academy community looks forward to many more adventures like this in the future!
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