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Moravian Academy in Action

Class of 2024


Immersed in a community that values creativity, curiosity, love, and understanding, our students seek to answer the questions: Who am I and who can I become?
This is the time of year when it becomes most apparent that Moravian Academy achieves its vision. As our seniors finalize their college plans having become agents of their own learning, we see their futures come in to sharper focus. Through faculty mentorship, hard work, and an individualized college search and application process that asks each student to discover a deeper understanding of themselves, students accept the schools that best align with their academic aspirations, career goals, and personal passions. 
emily, chelsea, charm-1
Emily Cho '24
With a desire to understand the world around her, Emily seeks to listen to others’ stories, whether through a Comenius Project researching women’s health, serving as a leader of Women’s Awareness Club, or playing on the basketball and soccer teams. A mentor who provides guidance to others, she also seeks feedback to become the best leader she can be.  Emily plans to major in government or history, and is headed to Cornell University.  

Chelsea Maund '24
A formidable student, a spirited athlete, a supportive teammate, and a young woman with a can-do attitude, Chelsea hasn’t met a challenge she wasn’t willing to tackle. Excited by discovering new concepts and ideas, she practices, experiments, and even makes mistakes, always searching for ways to improve her work. The Robotics Team was a wonderful venue for Chelsea to flex her creative technical muscles, and she was willing to step in to learn any job, doing whatever was necessary to finish the robot build, including encouraging and mentoring younger team members. She heads to University of Rochester where she will pursue mechanical engineering.

Nehemiah (Charm) Vega-Smith '24
Charm grew up knowing he wanted to impact young people’s lives in some way, and securing a position as a teacher for Summerbridge last summer confirmed for him that this is his calling. More specifically, he will pursue psychology at Howard University, with an ultimate goal of providing support to teenagers with mental health issues. A latecomer to theatre, he wowed audiences with his performance in 12 Angry Jurors, and there is no doubt he will bring this newfound passion with him to college as well.

Congratulations to the Moravian Academy Class of 2024!
Matriculation List
American University

Bates College

Boston College

Boston University

Bowdoin College

Bryn Mawr College

Bucknell University

Carnegie Mellon University

Champlain College

Clemson University 

College of William and Mary

Cornell University*

Davidson College

Duke University*

Elizabethtown College

Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University (Daytona Beach)

Emerson College

Franklin & Marshall College*

George Washington University

Grove City College

Haverford College

Howard University

Ithaca College

Lehigh University*

Moravian University

Muhlenberg College*

New York University*

Northeastern University*

Nottingham Trent University

Pennsylvania State University*

Rochester Institute of Technology

Rutgers University (New Brunswick)

Stanford University

Temple University

The Ohio State University

The University of Alabama

The University of Tampa

Tufts University*

University of Miami

University of Michigan

University of Notre Dame

University of Pittsburgh

University of Rochester*

University of St. Andrews

University of Virginia

Vanderbilt University

Villanova University

Wake Forest University

Worcester Polytechnic Institute
as of May 13, 2024
*Multiple students attending

No two paths to college look the same, but we are proud to report that wherever our students launch, they excel. It has been a pleasure to nurture our seniors along their joyful learning journeys, and we can't wait to see what comes next for the Class of 2024. 
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