All parents and guardians are welcome to join us for the SC Family Association Meeting. This month's topic will be a "Curriculum Overview with Megan Franzyshen, Director of the Swain Campus, and Kelley Necioglu, Assistant Director of the Swain Campus." Please RSVP below to let us know if you are planning to join us. This will help our speakers customize the conversation to the student age groups of the parents/guardians that are planning to attend.
Join us on Zoom for the topic "Tips From Experts on How to Raise Healthy Kids." The Zoom link will be shared with all families via text and in the weekly newsletters.
Join us for the Family Association Meeting in Snyder Conference Room or via Zoom. We will have an Academic Program Spotlight: Signature MA Classes - We will hear from the campus director and a selection of experienced Merle-Smith Campus teachers about signature opportunities in the academic program. These are classes at all grade levels designed by the creative experts on the teaching faculty at Merle-Smith that are totally unique to Moravian Academy. We aim to showcase the irreplaceable value of these courses, above and beyond the interest, dynamism, and rigor of even AP courses. Speakers include: Mr. Leon Galitsky (Numerical Analysis); Dr. Rachel Engl (Hands-On History); Mrs. Melika Matlack (Historia Mundial); Mx. Lindsay Woodruff (Intro to Media); and Dr. Catherine Moore (The Power of Story).
All parents and guardians are invited to join us for the Family Association Meeting. This month's meeting topic will be assessment and differentiated learning with guest speakers George Andriko and Sara Vanderbeck, Assistant Directors of the Downtown Campus and Morgan Nordmeyer, Coordinator of Learning Services.