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Moravian Academy in Action


Short Story Class Sparks Creativity!

Catherine Moore
This spring semester, the Short Story Class begins its fieldwork with the annual story project with the Downstairs Kindergarten class. This kind of outreach is in the DNA of MA’s Story course; we read stories, tell stories, and share stories with our community. When we share stories and bring them to life through creative drama and story activities, all participants reap the mutual benefits of collaboration, where we foster belonging, empathy, and social emotional learning.
For the month of February, we work with the Downstairs HDC Kindergarten for a total of five sessions. In our first session, we read Where The Wild Things Are, by Maurice Sendak, and spend time drawing and imagining together. Using our drawings as inspiration, pairs of Seniors and Kindergarteners will work together for several weeks to imagine and realize their stories, using their own original plots, settings, and characters, and illustrate them in their very own picture books. We cannot wait to see what our youngest authors on campus create!
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