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Moravian Academy in Action

Jeswill Ewungkem '25 Comenius Project

Comenius Project: Respectability Politics: The Black Community in America by Jeswill Ewungkem '25

The Comenius Independent Study Program offers Moravian Academy sophomores, juniors, and seniors the chance to explore their interests through self-directed projects in specialized fields. This is their opportunity to showcase their passion for learning to our community and establish themselves as an independent scholar as they prepare for college!

Jeswill Ewungkem ‘25’s Comenius project “Respectability Politics: The Black Community in America” provides a thought-provoking analysis of respectability politics as a solution to racism against Black Americans, advocating for more profound systemic change. Using a crumbling building analogy, he compellingly demonstrates that while respectability politics may offer superficial improvements, true progress requires addressing and transforming the foundational systems of oppression.

Learn more about Jeswill's project by watching his presentation at the link the below.

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