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Moravian Academy in Action



Erin Coffey
Last week, Swain Campus students delved into enriching outdoor education experiences, immersing themselves in the natural beauty of the Lehigh Valley. Sixth graders enjoyed an adventure with a biking and boating expedition, followed by fourth and seventh graders embarking on a challenging hike along the Appalachian Trail.

Swain Campus 6th graders traveled to Sand Island in Bethlehem and biked along the beautiful D&L trail guided by the Wildlands Conservancy. To complete the adventure, the dynamic group then canoed down the Lehigh River in pairs. Overall, the 6th graders had an amazing time exploring our local Lehigh Valley waterways and trails. More Photos of Bike and Boat Adventure!

The 4th. and 7th graders from the Swain Campus adventured to the Lehigh Gap Nature Center on Thursday to hike the iconic Appalachian Trail. Students buddied together, climbed a difficult and rocky trail, and bonded over pushing into their challenge zone together! Students and chaperones came back to campus tired, but with a deep sense of accomplishment! More Photos of Appalachian Trail Hike!

These recent outdoor excursions at Swain Campus showcased the power of outdoor education, leaving students with cherished memories and a desire to continue exploring and embracing the wonders of the great outdoors. As we remain committed to providing holistic education, these outdoor adventures reinforce our dedication to nurturing well-rounded individuals who appreciate and engage with the world around them in meaningful ways.
MORE TO EXPLORE Preschool-12 in the Lehigh Valley