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Moravian Academy in Action



Brad Pomeroy
On March 29th, 2023, five eager and excited teams of fourth and fifth graders competed in the 2023 STEM K’Nex Design Challenge along with their advisors, Mr. Pomeroy and Mr. DiMenichi. It was time for them to showcase what 12 plus hours of hard work can accomplish!
Faced with developing a K’Nex prototype to address issues of climate change and pollution, our five teams brainstormed, assessed the pros and cons of their ideas, conducted research, developed their ideas and made them come to life. Additionally, the teams created notebooks detailing their design process, reflections on each build session, blue prints, and photo documentation. Lastly, the teams had to create a concise two minute presentation that detailed the problem, their solutions, and how the prototype worked.

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All five teams performed with confidence and positive energy during the competition. Mr. Pomeroy and Mr. DiMenichi enjoyed watching them engage the judges with poise and pride. While none of the teams medaled this year, they have grown intellectually and have endured a long and tedious process, overcome challenges, and sparked hope and optimism for the future. Moravian Academy can be very proud of these students and what they have accomplished. In the end, they got the greatest medal of all… the overwhelming sense of satisfaction that comes with hard work.


Team 1 - The Carbon Capturers
Jazelle Tout-Puiissant, Mia Stubblefield, Reyah Jaffer, Ella Razavi
Team 2 - Ocean Clean-up
Guytano Stevens, Fox Slocum, John Brethour, Ian Abia
Team 3 - Rainwater Collection / Hydroelectric Generator
Alexandra Goodman, Asiya Akbar, Audrey Zumba, Daphne Vavylone
Team 4 - Rainwater Collection
Amaaya Chaudhry, Wyatt Lutz, Audrey Yerrington, Lucy Ronco, Strati Yialamas
Team 5 - Rainwater Collection / Solar Generator
Elli Krupka, Serena Jaffer, Theo Collins, Nate Krakowski
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