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Moravian Academy in Action


Students Engage in Lively Debate on the Impact of the Columbian Exchange

Josh Sanville
Moravian Academy students put their critical thinking and public speaking skills to the test in a spirited debate exploring the most significant impact of the Columbian Exchange. As the culminating project of Unit II: Interactions in World History II, the debate challenged students to analyze and defend their perspectives on one of history’s most transformative events.

Working in teams of four, students assumed specific roles—Position/Opening Speaker, Questioner, Rebuttal Speaker, and Closing Speaker. Over several days, they collaborated in class, conducting research and developing arguments before presenting their cases to their peers. During the debate, students engaged in real-time cross-examinations, responding to questions and critiques with clarity and precision. Many students reported that their favorite part of the debate was the Questioning Period, as they enjoyed thinking on the fly and formulating answers to the challenging questions posed by their classmates.

The exercise was designed not only to deepen students’ understanding of the Columbian Exchange but also to refine their ability to construct nuanced, evidence-based arguments. With the Exchange’s vast and interconnected consequences, students had to be deliberate in defining and defending their positions. The debate encouraged them to communicate effectively, express disagreements respectfully, and think critically—skills that will serve them well in any future career.

Leading up to the debate, students spent five weeks examining key historical themes, including European exploration, the devastation of Indigenous populations, and the origins of the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade. They also explored the movement of plants, animals, and diseases across continents and the lasting impact of these exchanges on global diets and biodiversity.

Through this dynamic learning experience, students not only honed their research and rhetorical skills but also gained a deeper appreciation for the complexities of historical events and their lasting implications.
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